We are here to help you achieve your success.

Stay up to date with new features and enhancements on the Katiti Mobile app

How can we helpyour business grow?

Generate extra income for your business selling prepaid airtime and prepaid electricity. Katiti offers you a safe and secure environment to sell Prepaid Airtime, Prepaid Electricity/Water and BillPayments to customers, using our pos-device or new Katiti Mobile app

Prepaid Airtime

Sell Airtime vouchers of:
⦁ Paratus
⦁ Aweh
⦁ TN-Mobile
⦁ FlexiCall
⦁ CallMaker



Prepaid Electricity/Water

⦁ Generate tokens specific to a meter number securely, for all utilities in Namibia



Bill Payment

⦁Coming Soon



A world of possibilities

Some hardworking people are working day and Night to provide scalable product.

Unlimit you business potential in the palm of your hand with Katiti
Earn commission on re-selling of prepaid airtime, electricity and water tokens

Core Features

KATITI Mobile is here!

EARN EXTRA COMMISSION with the Katiti Mobile App

✓  Download the KATITI Vendor app

Register with your name, surname (and other info) and valid Namibian cellular number

Top-Up your KATITI vendor account (either via eft or secure online topup within the app)

Use your own Android or iOS phone

Use the Katiti app to buy products for your personal use at a discount – Why not?

Topup your balance with a bank card securely, or via eft!

Use the Katiti app to buy products for your personaluse at a discount - Why not?